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Juhayna has been long committed to strengthening the healthcare system in Egypt. Stemming from its belief in the necessity of playing an active role in developing the communities in which it operates; it has begun supporting El Wahat El Bahareya Central Hospital to provide healthcare services to the communities surrounding Juhayna’s farms (Al Enmaa).

Juhayna took it upon itself to support El Wahat El Bahreya’s Central Hospital through donating a CR X-ray which goes in line with Juhayna’s “Creating Shared Value” strategy and the promotion of “Good Health and Wellbeing,” as outlined within the UN’s 17 stated Sustainable Development Goals.

In response to Juhayna’s generous investment, the Central Hospital’s General Manager, Dr. Sherif Waheed, expressed his deep gratitude. He added that the money would be directed towards the improvement of medical services and available healthcare technology. He also said that this step paves the way for early disease diagnosis and ensures the provision of highly qualified and efficient healthcare services to all citizens.

Passant Fouad, External Relations Director at Juhayna, added: “We are elated with our new partnership with the local unit, as it marks real progress in Juhayna’s support for the Egyptian citizens. Our support for El Wahat El Bahreya’s Central Hospital is motivated by Juhayna’s  aim to create a sustainable, mutually-beneficial relationships with Egyptian society to achieve integrated development”.

This sponsorship of the Central Hospital is only the most recent of numerous positive contributions that Juhayna has made to the healthcare sector. Since 2015, Juhayna has been proudly supporting Baheya Foundation for the early detection and free treatment of breast cancer. In addition, the company has increased their efforts since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic. They have joined the alliance of private sector companies – organized by AmCham in coordination with UNICEF and the Ministry of Health and Population. Similarly, Juhayna contributed to the successful “Kemama” campaign, which was conducted in cooperation with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the El Nidaa Foundation.

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